Monday, August 14, 2006


The Vernon City Council declassified a resolution from an Incamera Meeting. The resolution supported the Vernon Land Corps and directors and the operations and procedures of the Corporation.

There was no vote count revealed.
In 2004 the Vernon Land Corporation was incorporated with a mandate from Vernon City Council to make decisions on land acquisition, sales and land development and assist in the economic development of the City. Originally there were five Directors appointed to the Vernon Land Corporation. Council has now increased the number of Directors to seven and is seeking applications from citizens interested in an appointment to the Vernon Land Corporation.This appointment is being re-advertised and resumes are being accepted until July 14.

At least 2 applicants from the original call on May 14 were told their applications were still on file and would be considered. No announcement of appointments have been made yet and this will the 2nd council meeting on Monday since the last deadline expired. Will there be a decision soon ?

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