Friday, August 18, 2006

Leaked letter irks Tory riding brass

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffAug 18 2006
Questions are arising over private Conservative documents being leaked to the media. A letter MP Colin Mayes wrote to the Okanagan-Shuswap riding board about Dean Skoreyko, who is also seeking the party nomination, was anonymously provided to The Morning Star. “Internal party communications are being made public and it’s not best for the party,” said Mayes. Skoreyko is also expressing shock over the situation. “I’m disappointed someone is doing this. It’s unprecedented,” he said. “It’s a board mater that needs to be dealt with.”
The president of the riding association is vowing to get to the bottom of the internal leak. “I don’t like that someone sent it out and we will be discussing it,” said Lori deJong of the board. In the letter, Mayes questions Skoreyko’s decision to hold a forum Aug. 23 for those people seeking the party nomination. “Firstly, it is my understanding that the local constituency is in charge of the nomination process, not one of the candidates,” writes Mayes. “Secondly, I have a real concern that Mr. Skoreyko is making this ‘debate’ public. Again, this process is to be handled by the local members and not turned into a divisive battle in the eyes of the media or in the eyes of opposing parties.” Mayes goes on to say that there is no need for a debate. “The purpose of a nomination is not to debate but to present your credentials and your passion for the position of MP to our local members. The nomination should not be about debating Conservative Party policy or attacking the other candidate’s character,” he wrote. “By having a public ‘debate,’ we are hurting the credibility of the party and thus hurting our chances of retaining the seat for the party.” Mayes wraps up the letter by saying he will not attend the Aug. 23 event unless it is sanctioned by the board.
In speaking to The Morning Star, Mayes stated he isn’t afraid to get up in front of party members and the nomination committee will provide opportunities for speeches. Skoreyko stands by his view that party members should be informed, but he is offering the Aug. 23 booking at the Schubert Centre to the nomination committee to make all the arrangements. “If it’s not sanctioned, I will still keep the date open for a forum,” he said.

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