Friday, August 18, 2006

Pressure placed on OCP

By RICHARD ROLKEMorning Star StaffAug 18 2006
Some Vernon politicians are pushing to have the official community plan review fast-tracked. Staff presented a report Monday that shows the process to update the OCP being completed in 2008. That didn’t sit well with those around the council table. “It will still be a two-year process and I had hoped to have it implemented by the end of next year,” said Coun. Patrick Nicol. “We need a specific opportunity to maximize public input. We could do this better faster than over a long time.” That was also the view coming from Coun. Barry Beardsell. “I’d like to see it given to the public as a Christmas present by the end of 2007,” said Beardsell. Beardsell even went as far as saying he would support spending additional money in 2007 to speed the process up. However, Darwin Horning, long-range planner, cautioned council that speeding up the review could create challenges and some issues could be left sitting on the sidelines. “We will be reducing the scope on some issues that need to be looked at.” Horning garnered support from Councillors Juliette Cunningham and Buffy Baumbrough. “This is an important opportunity to look at the OCP and while the public wants it done sooner than later, they want a thorough job done,” said Baumbrough.


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