Thursday, August 10, 2006

No End In Sight To Governance Squabble
There's still a great deal of disagreement over the governance dispute between NORD and Greater Vernon Services.The North Okanagan Regional District board discussed the issue for 45 minutes at Wednesday's meeting and then unanimously passed third reading of a delegation bylaw outlining GVSC's powers and authority.It now goes to NORD participants for comments but its not expected to get a smooth ride from Vernon and Coldstream.Vernon mayor Wayne Lippert told the board he still has concerns with the contentious 'section seven' which spells out what duties G-V-S-C would NOT be responsible for.Lippert says city staff have to be able to work the bylaw and he doesn't see that happening under the current wording. Vernon director Pat Cochrane also expressed concerns about the wording but fellow city councillor Patrick Nicol said while it was not perfect, he could live with the bylaw, adding its time to move forward.Rural Enderby rep Herman Halvorson (Area F) and Spallumcheen's Lorna Bissell also said it was time to get on with other issues.NORD chairman Stan Field dropped a bombshell, saying he will not support it as long as G-V-S and NORD have separate logos and letterheads.Field wants the G-V-S logo and letterhead to indicate that its a committee of the regional district. That had some directors shaking their heads around the board table.The issue is expected to be back before the NORD board at its meeting next month.(Pete McIntyre Aug 10)

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