Monday, August 14, 2006


At the above links I expressed my concerns and asked questions. They chose not to include my actual presentation in the minutes so it would show up online. The city's response is shown above in the box as the comments as expressed at a public hearing and these minutes will be received on Monday Aug. 15. (p.23 & 24)

There are no written responses or explanations from staff (unlike other public input meetings ) and unless a councillor raises some of these questions I will get no answers.
The local media ignored my presentation and now it looks like the council will also be silent on these issues.

Missing from my listed concerns or not adequately detailed are some of the more important questions:

  • I asked once again to have the 2006 line item detailed budget put online as was authorized by council resolution in Feb. No response yet
  • DCC's - I once again indicated the loss of 2.3 million to this trust fund by council's decision in Dec /04 to change the implementation date from the original date of Dec13/04 to March 1/05. I then asked the same question I had asked earlier in the year at the budget meetings "How long are the building permits good for and if they have to be extended will the the DCC's be renegotiate upwards.
  • Suggested that the council bring up the subject of raising the business tax exemption from $10,000 to $50,000 with the DVA at their upcoming meeting. This exemption is in the balliwick of the Province but if it was championed at UBCM and ministerial meetings then it might be the way to help small businesses in our city.
  • Tax Ratios I commended the council in their decision to review the Light Industrial and Utility Tax Ratios and rates for the first time in 10 years by Oct1 /06. I then launched into a long boring harangue on Heavy Industrial Tax rates and indicated that they explore the subject in view of the pending resolution at UBCM about a Provincial cap on these rates.
  • I also again requested that the Police fine revenue from the province flow through the police reserve to provide the best audit trail.
  • My next question about the $500,000 already in the Airports hands and the $250,000 to be sent in 2006 and whether that should stay in the City's hands in an Airport Runway Extension account was not answered yet.
  • My final point on whether the City covers the Accumulated Airport Deficit of $63,855 in 2005 and the deficit of $34,643 by a cash transfer was not addressed.


3 weeks ago I lead off a posting with the following words:

Well, I tilted at windmills again and presented a 5 page series of questions and observations about the 2005 annual financial statements to the city council at Monday's meeting. Rather than bore you with all the details (which are part of the public record of this session and will be posted by the City at their website in 2 weeks)

I guess I was wrong. Next meeting wasn't for 3 weeks and the City never posted my 5 page rant as part of the public record. I guess that is why I continue Blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The financial plan for the runway extention is to be presented to council this month. The budget for the airport is presently $355,000 per year. What will we be paying to support it when they extend the runway?