Sunday, September 24, 2006

Airport director grounded

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Sep 24 2006
The City of Vernon is accused of muzzling debate after giving a volunteer his walking papers. Council voted Sept. 18 to dismiss Bill Baker from the Vernon Airport Corporation because he expressed concerns about the runway extension in the media. Mayor Wayne Lippert informed Baker of the decision Thursday. "I was shocked," said Baker of council's actions, which were done behind closed doors. "I thought there would at least be an opportunity to have a hearing."
Lippert was unwilling to discuss the situation. "The matter is in-camera and council's decision will come out at Monday's regular meeting," said Lippert. Baker was appointed to the corporation by council Aug. 14. Baker was added despite other names being recommended by the corporation board. However, it's believed Baker upset council when he appeared in the Sept. 13 Morning Star protesting the runway extension, which started the same day. Baker claimed he had not been given any information about the project and calls for an emergency meeting between council and the corporation were denied. "Of course they are trying to shut me up," he said of his dismissal. Baker says he had no option but to go public because he tried unsuccessfully for a year-and-a-half to get information about the airport and to ensure a plan was in place before further expenditures on the facility. "Our boards apparently have no accountability and, if someone dares to challenge the process, make no mistake, revenge will be swift," he said. "I don't know why they are so afraid of disclosing information?" Like Lippert, other members of council aren't commenting about Baker. But during the Aug. 14 meeting in which Baker was appointed, opposition came from Councillors Pat Cochrane and Buffy Baumbrough. "In terms of a corporation and trying to move forward, his viewpoint doesn't necessarily gel," said Baumbrough at the time. Baker is asking council to reconsider its decision and reinstate him to the corporation board. "I can't be a team player if you don't let me on the team. They didn't give me a chance to be part of the solution," he said. "It's obvious they didn't have the facts when they terminated me." Ian Hawes, Vernon Airport Corporation president, referred all questions to city hall.

Bill Baker responds to Removal from Airport Board

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