Tuesday, September 26, 2006

City Joins Partnership (KELOWNA)

by Wayne Moore - Story: 22481Sept. 26, 2006 / 11:00 am Castanet
The city is taking a gamble on a new project aimed at problem gamblers. Greg Walker, public affairs manager for the BC Lottery Corporation, outlined the BC Partnership for Responsible Gambling, at Monday's council meeting. Walker told council the program is designed to promote responsible gambling entertainment. According to the corporation's website, the goal of the program is to "raise the general public's awareness of potential problems related to excessive gambling, to raise awareness of problem gambling programs and services, and promote healthy choices and practices." The city will pay for a staff member to attend a forum in October at the Cascades Casino in Langley to learn about the partnership. Mayor Sharon Shepherd wondered out loud why the city should be on the hood for travel expenses when the corporation has pocketed a good deal of money from the profits of gambling.

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