Tuesday, September 26, 2006


1075 kissFM September 26-th, 2006

Council Still Ticked At Liquor Boss
Not good enough. That was the reaction of Vernon Council members to a letter from the boss of the BC Liquor Branch. General Manager Jay Chambers confirms what most already knew, that a new Signature Liquor Store will open in the Village Green Mall, while the two current public stores will close, likely by next spring. Chambers gives no reason for the move other than there's 12 privately operated liquor stores servicing the city. Councillor Barry Beardsell calls the letter 'insulting' and 'annoying', adding it doesn't explain why the city wasn't consulted. The city will be asking for more answers. Meantime, on another liquor-related matter, the Kalamalka Hotel has been given city approval to expand from its current 203 seats, to 267, providing the RCMP doesn't have any concerns.

Evely Honoured
There will be a short ceremony Saturday morning for a Vernon Auxilary Constable who died in the line of duty The ceremony for Glen Evely starts at 10AM and will take place in the main foyer of City Hall . A local businessman has purchased a plaque in Evely's honour which will be dedicated during the ceremony. Evely died in 2004 when a police cruiser he was in was hit by a stolen vehicle. Requests made to the committe that runs the National Canadian Police Officers Memorial to have Evely honoured there were recently turned down.

Sewer Still Issue for Landing
The city of Vernon is making an effort to communicate better with disgruntled Okanagan Landing residents. Council got a letter from the Landing Sewer Committee asking for a meeting with elected officials and staff to talk about connection costs. The city has responded by sending a letter to all the affected residents, addressing the questions raised at a community meeting last month. Mayor Wayne Lippert says if there are any further questions, a meeting will be arranged between the residents, staff and Council. The Landing residents are outraged costs for pumps and grinders will range from 10 to 20 thousand dollars per home, equipment they feel should be covered by the city.

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