Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Council pays for vandalism

By JENNIFER DYCKMorning Star StaffSep 27 2006
Feeling responsible for provoking a recent act of vandalism, Coldstream council is picking up the tab for repairs to their colleagues’ vehicle. Coun. Glen Taylor, who lives on Giles Drive, awoke Friday morning to find knife marks scratched into his Dodge Durango, along with the words, “Pave the road.” “This was done directly because of council and a council decision,” said Mayor Gary Corner. As a whole, not an individual decision, council agreed at its Sept. 11 meeting not to completely re-pave Giles Drive since a sewer line was extended up the road by the developer of Coldstream Meadows. That decision apparently did not impress whoever engraved the words, “Pave the road,” into Taylor’s vehicle. Therefore council is picking up the $300 deductible Taylor would have to pay for the approximately $3,000 to $4,000 in repairs. “I really don’t think it is fair if he has to put this out of his pocket,” said Corner. The incident came as a surprise to many members of council. Coun. Bill Firman was adamant that no adult would do such a thing. “This was an act of a kid.” Wendy Kay, chief administrative officer, said in her 26 years with the district she’s never seen anything like it. But Coun. Mary Malerby reminded that these protest type of incidents often come with the territory. “Being the life of a politician you’re going to walk on people’s toes.”Taylor, who was most concerned with what the incident would do to the neighbourhood atmosphere, said people have been quite friendly since hearing of the situation. “I’ve actually had quite a few calls from people concerned. “And most of the people I normally wave to are waving even harder as I drive up the street.”

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