Thursday, September 07, 2006

Easthope Sentenced To Three More Years
A B-C Supreme Court Justice has passed sentence on an 11 year old North Okanagan manslaughter case.31 year old Timothy Easthope will serve another three years in prison for the killing of teenager Matthew Hobbs in 1995.The three years is in addition to the three and a half years credit Easthope was given for time already served.The resident of Canoe B-C had originally been charged with second degree murder but plead guilty in May to the lesser charge of manslaughter.Easthope, who was 20 at the time, shot the 18 year old Hobbs in the back of the head and disposed of his body in the woods near Falkland after a dispute over stolen marijuana plants.Hobbs' body was discovered by a fire-fighting crew working on the Cedar Hills fire near Falkland in 2003.Crown Counsel was calling for an 8 to 10 year prison term, while the defence recommended four to six years.Justice Frank Cole said the crime was not a near murder, but wasn't an accident or self defence either. He gave Easthope credit for not having any previous record and for pleading guilty to manslaughter.When Cole asked Easthope if he had anything to say, Easthope replied "Nope."Relatives of the victim, who were in the courthouse for the hearing, were not satisfied with the sentence.Matthew's sister, Debra Hobbs, she wanted a sentence that was fairer to her family, considering the suffering they had to go through.Defence lawyer Paul Danyliu was pleased with the decision, saying his client is happy it's over and is remorseful for his actions. Danyliu told KISS FM and other reporters, "He was living with the fear of apprehension on a daily basis, and when you're worried about getting caught, you're not going to have a chance to say you're sorry. But he was sorry and he still is sorry and he'll be sorry for the rest of his life."Given the general rule of prisoners serving two-thirds of their sentence before being released on parole, Easthope could be a free man in two years.(Pete McIntyre Sept. 7)

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