Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Harvey Sentenced

Shortly after 4 PM Today Sean Harvey was sentenced for breach of Public Trust.
  • The court imposed a 12 month conditional sentence to be served in the community under 24 hour house arrest for the first 6 months with conditions allowing Mr. Harvey to go to and from work, attend to medical problems etc or to travel as authorized in writing by his court appointed officer. The second six months will be under a 10PM to 6 AM Curfew.
  • He was also sentenced to a following 1 year Probation with restrictions.
  • He was further ordered to perform 160 hours of community service.
  • Restitution to the City was ordered at a minimum of $300 per month beginning Nov1 payable to the Court in trust until the balance of the amount outstanding was fully paid for..
  • A $100 legal fee payable to the court was not waived.

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