Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fearless volunteers wanted

By David SkelhonTuesday, October 10, 2006 http://www.dailycourier.ca/article_597.php
The Okanagan Science Centre (OSC) is calling for Halloween aficionados to help with its annual Haunted House. The OSC’s manager, Sandi Dixon, says “if you have no fear . . . become a volunteer,” and for anyone who might be having second thoughts about offering their services, she wants to remind them that, “it’s safer to be on the inside.”The OSC, which receives independent funding, opened in 1990. The science centre’s resident mad scientist, Kevin Ashenmier, said the event, which will take place between Oct. 28 to 31, is a major fundraiser. Last year more than 3,000 people came through the doors during Halloween, raising more than $10,000 for the science centre.Dixon said “we had people who came from as far away as Osoyoos,” and she believes the event is popular because, “families are looking for a safe alternative to Trick or Treat.”The event will feature everything from witches to aliens. “The alien is always popular and this year he may be protesting the demise of Pluto,” said Dixon.The science centre is housed in B.C.’s oldest brick-built school house, constructed in 1893, and located in Polson Park. It has a disorientating labyrinth of rooms and corridors making it an ideal setting for the event.There is an educational element too, and Dixon said that the Haunted House requires, “optics and technology to make things move.”Dixon admits that the haunted house has proven a little too scary for children under 10 years old so this year Vernon law firm Nixon Wenger will be spo

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