Friday, October 06, 2006


Date Set for Park Meeting
The public will get its chance to comment on Polson Park later this month.
Greater Vernon Services will hold an input meeting Wednesday October 18th at 7pm at the Performing Arts Centre. Parks administrator Al McNiven says the meeting will focus on whether the grandstands should be rebuilt, not about the design of the park. The city of Vernon will get $600 000 in insurance for the burned down grandstands. The money can be used to rebuild in the park or at another city site.

New Water for Silver Star
Funding is now in place for the new water system at Silver Star Mountain.
NORD directors have given approval to providing 4.2 million dollars to the resort, for a new reservoir.It will be paid back over thirty years, by the developer.
NORD vice chair Jerry Oglow says the reservoir will allow the resort to complete its build-out of new housing and accommodation units.Oglow says,'It also is large enough, and this is forward thinking of the resort, to allow for snow making.' The new system should be in operation by next year.
NORD and Regional Reps Co-operate
A new spirit of co-operation has taken over the North Okanagan Regional District board. After several years of bitter conflict between Vernon and the rural reps, the partners now say they're working together to better the region.Vernon director Patrick Nicol says the change is easy to explain.Nicol says,'People respect one another. Its that simple. We disagree lots but always with an air of respect to it.'
NORD members have agreed to look into forming a regional economic development function which could be a solution to the shortage of industrial land in Greater Vernon. Directors have also agreed to look at developing a regional emergency plan.

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