Friday, October 06, 2006

Long-term airport plan released

By Scott Neufeld Friday, October 6, 2006
Following a recent dust up that culminated in the removal of one of its directors, the Vernon Regional Airport is unveiling its strategic business plan.Bill Baker had his appointment as a director rescinded after going public with his concerns that the airport was extending the runway without a business plan. At Tuesday’s council meeting airport board chairman Ian Hawes is scheduled to present the airport’s future plans to the city.Vernon mayor Wayne Lippert said he had yet to review the strategy in detail but was well aware of some of their plans. He said that if the airport wants to expand its business opportunities council would look favourably on any opportunity to bolster the local job market.“It’s something that we will certainly look at,” he said. “The general feeling of council and the city is if there’s some good, clean, well-paying jobs to come out of it we will certainly look at it.”Lippert said council has been looking at ways to add on to the Okanagan College campus at the airport.“The biggest thing we’re looking at with the airport is trying to expand the college and expand the college uses,” he said.In the strategic plan, planners have identified a number of objectives for the airport to shoot for. Among them is the eventual extension of the runway to 4,000 feet. Once the current runway extension is complete it will measure 3,650 feet.The airport plan also lays out the goal of working with resorts to attract charter operators to Vernon. Included in the plan is a proposal for a permanent terminal to handle commercial passenger traffic. The plan also identifies the need for an airport industrial park to attract more aviation related industries to the city.The physical expansion of the airport would most likely be primarily paid out of city coffers but Lippert said that there may be some provincial grant money available. Also submitted was an economic impact assessment for the Vernon Regional Airport. According to the report, the airport brings in $29.6 million in direct and indirect economic benefits. The report adds that additional capital improvements could boost the economic impact an additional $42.1 million.The economic assessment also identifies a strong potential for offfering more commercial passenger services. According to the report, current demand from the airport would be 20,000 passengers per year but if services were expanded that number could climb to 90,000 passengers by 2010.However, Lippert said he is skeptical that Vernon will see any kind of major carrier service in the near future. He said Vernon’s airport should continue to offer services to expand local businesses and industry.“I don’t think we’re going to have anything like West Jet,” he said. “Personally I don’t see that as being a function for this airport.”Hawes was unavailable for comment by press time and airport manager Grahame Go declined comment saying Hawes is the spokesperson for the plan.

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