Friday, November 17, 2006

Budget hike of 3.99% largely to cover higher costs

By Judie SteevesStaff reporterNov 17 2006
Homeowners will be asked to pay about $1.50 more a year toward operation of the Okanagan Regional Library system in 2007. The regional library board approved a budget of $12,525,076 at Wednesday’s meeting, an increase in expenditures of 3.99 per cent. Executive director Lesley Dieno said the costs are borne by about 340,000 people who are served by the system. The largest portion of the increase will go towards inflation and wage adjustments, with less than one per cent going toward new construction within the system. That includes a new building in Vernon and $50,000 toward a new building for the Summerland branch. The remainder of the increase goes towards branch staffing and collections, she said.“We’re just keeping up,” said Dieno. The board will also apply for a grant from the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund for the construction of a new civic building to accommodate the new Vernon Library, in partnership with the City of Vernon.

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