Council hears symphony’s plea
By JENNIFER DYCK Morning Star Staff Nov 17 2006 potential is there for Greater Vernon to lose some local entertainment if it can’t orchestrate more funding. The Okanagan Symphony Society, which performs in Vernon, Kelowna and
Penticton is seeking additional funding through the North Okanagan Regional District. Maria Besso, OSS director, said while the six annual concerts held annually in Vernon attract approximately 400 people each, financial support is lacking when compared to the $54,250 grant from the City of Kelowna Arts Foundation. “On the books it appears that the Vernon concerts are a financial burden to the symphony orchestra,” said Besso in a letter requesting funding be increased from the current 10 cents per capita to 70 cents. “I know this (increase) may seem like a lot, but it is the amount I feel would be necessary to put us on more equal footing with the Kelowna contribution and insure longevity and success of the symphony in the Greater Vernon area.” If approved, that increase would go from the current $6,000 to $42,000. Vernon’s contribution would be $23,446, Coldstream’s would be $6,374, Lumby’s would be $1,133 and electoral areas B, C, D and F would contribute the remainder. Coldstream is recommending that NORD approve additional funding, but not necessarily the full amount requested. Coun. Mary Malerby suggests a smaller amount such as 40 cents would prompt more of the participating areas to buy into it. While it is not the requested amount, Besso said they would be grateful with any increase. Mayor Gary Corner felt that this was an opportunity to support something that is often left out. “We spend a tremendous amount of money on sports and kids and I really don’t think we’ve stepped up to the plate on this.” Besso agreed: “I do think it is a comment on a community supporting its cultural activities. I know we do support a lot of sports and I think it would say a lot to support this.” Besso also reminded that the society did have to discontinue concerts in Salmon Arm a few years ago because it proved to be too great a financial burden, and she would hate to see that happen in Vernon.
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