Sunday, November 19, 2006

Double standard exists at city hall

Nov 19 2006 EDITORIAL
The Vernon Land Corporation may have not intended it, but a letter to the city's finance committee was potentially insulting to the countless volunteers who freely give their time to committees. In the letter, corporation president Jack Borden justifies his board receiving honourariums by saying they "have an immense responsibility that likely cannot be compared to other members of committees or corporations." No one is denying the service VLC directors provide in acquiring necessary properties for the city or bringing value to publicly held land. But to think their responsibilities are any more important than others is misguided. The advisory planning commission is a group of volunteers that reviews development applications. The fate of a multi-million-dollar project and the future look of the city can rest in their hands. The committee members spend hours discussing these matters and often visiting properties to see them first-hand. And then there's the affordable housing committee that is struggling to address a major social and economic problem. How about the environmental advisory committee? Its panel of experts is trying to find a balance between growth and preserving our environment. And let's not forget the Vernon Airport Corporation, which is dealing with multi-million-dollar upgrades and trying to lure new businesses here. But unlike the land corporation, the airport corporation board doesn't get an honourarium. Municipal committees have long been based on the spirit of volunteerism and being involved in your community. Unfortunately, the current situation with the land corporation sets a precedent and demonstrates an obvious double standard.

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