Friday, December 15, 2006

Armstrong wants regional economic development

By Tyler OlsenMorning Star Staff Dec 15 2006
Armstrong council has passed a bylaw that, if other North Okanagan municipalities agree, will create a body to oversee economic growth in the region.The proposed regional economic development function will expand a similar body that currently serves Greater Vernon to the regional district level. Dave Forai, economic development manager from Greater Vernon Services, told council that the function would create a regional industrial growth strategy, attempt to attract new businesseses and strive to retain those already here.It would also create a health care recruitment program to draw health professionals to the North Okanagan. Forai, who was joined before council by NORD administrator Brian Reardon, said that by working together communities can address issues that may not be confined to municipal boundaries. He pointed to how the recent development in the north end of Vernon has affected Armstrong businesses. He added that expanding the function to the regional district level would allow officials to take a deep look and ask, “how do we work with Armstrong to make sure that they survive? “The bottom line is, we’d have the strength working as a region.” Forai also pleased council by noting that the cost of the program, pegged earlier at $7.50 per capita, has been decreased to $6.50 for each person. Council was impressed enough by an impassioned presentation that they allowed Forai to exceed the normal time frame for delegations. “I know we exceeded your 10-minute allotment for delegations,” Forai conceded after his 45-minute presentation. “That may be the understatement of the year,” replied Mayor Jerry Oglow with a smile, before praising the delegation’s enthusiasm.Noting that the city had recently looked at how to expand its own economic initiative, Oglow said that the function was a great opportunity to realize those goals. “In my opinion, this opportunity would take us to that next level that we talked about a couple years ago. “I think this is a terrific step that the region is taking. It is without question a chance for us to take advantage of opportunities that are on our doorstep.” Coun. Pat Hudson agreed with Oglow. But he also cautioned that any industrial strategy should look at ensuring it is environmentally sustainable and, preferably, clean.

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