Friday, December 15, 2006

Taxes to increase five per cent (Salmon Arm)

By Martha Wickett OBSERVER STAFF Dec 13 2006
City of Salmon Arm: Inflation, policing and reserves cited as reasons for the hike.
Salmon Arm taxpayers will be facing a five-per cent tax increase in 2007, if the city’s preliminary budget is passed in May in its present form. Without the homeowner grant, a home assessed at $250,000 would pay $1,675.16 in municipal taxes in 2007, an increase of $79.77 over this year. The homeowner would also pay other government taxes such as school, regional hospital and regional district taxes, as well as $60 for the transportation parcel tax. A commercial property assessed at $300,000 would pay $4,784.56 in municipal taxes, an increase of $227.84 over 2006. The $60 parcel tax and other government taxes would be added to the total. In recommending the five-per-cent increase to council, Monica Dalziel, the city’s director of corporate services, noted that the increase is a combination of three components: uncontrollable costs such as wages and policing; new and expanded programs such as the move of the Economic Development Society and the Visitor Information Centre to the old courthouse; and transfers to reserves. The cost of policing has increased $100,000 over last year, without a service level increase. Although the Salmon Arm detachment was approved for funding for 17 officers in 2006, factors such as a maternity leave and shortage of recruits left it for much of the year with a complement of only 14. Staff Sgt. Dave Williams told council he is hopeful the detachment will be up to full strength of 17 by April. Council also agreed to fund a half-time clerk to help the detachment catch up on paperwork. As for reserve funds, one area that needs funding is equipment for the fire department. Dalziel told council that a number of fire truck purchases will need to be made over the next couple of years. “The reserve hasn’t been adequately funded over the last five to eight years,” Dalziel said.

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