Thursday, December 07, 2006

Don Quixote endures GVSC decision.

Regional Service Review
Reaching Regional Service Agreements and withdrawal
These links shows an introduction to a Regional Service Review. This is a quick cheat sheet to introduce a reader to the purposes and costs of implementing a review. The three main types of review are: informal, by-law based review and statutory review.
The NORD meeting experience was slow and tedious because of an excessively long agenda that was actually shorten by grouping resolutions for mass passage. Despite this it wasn't until 5:30 after a 2 o'clock start when the Delegation Repeal Bylaw No. 2208 motion came up for debate. The Vernon contingent took turns extolling the virtues of completing a Regional Service Review before voting on the repeal of the GVSC delegation bylaw. (i.e. a Tabling motion). Both Mayor Lippert and the two Vernon councillors Nichol and Cochrane were quite forceful and eloquent in their description of the necessity of such a review which in their opinion was long overdue.

Other members of the board complained of this new tactic thrown in after almost 1 year since the original debate on GVSV's future had started. There was a mood of lets vote and get on with it around the NORD Table. The debate then lumbered off into the NORD Administrator explaining the options that would ensue if the repeal bylaw passed and what GVSC would look like and function "tomorrow morning" Basically he outlined the options on appointments etc to the new NORD Chairman Mayor Gerry Oglow of Armstrong. As the meeting debate was disintegrating into personnel matters a resolution to go in camera was passed. For the second time in the same day Don Quixote was thrown out of a government meeting.

The time bewtween 5:45 and about 6:30 was spent in the hallway and lunch room at NORD with the various staff and the two remaining media reps and a fellow audience member who thankfully stayed because he was my ride home.

We were allowed back in at around 6:30 and were told the incamera talks had revolved only around personnel matters and the actual repeal resolution had not being discussed. (I have the impression that was for Rolke's benefit so he wouldn't blast them the way he had for the Vernon's in-camera meeting this morning where the Regional Service Review strategy had been decided on. )

They then proceeded to vote quickly on the resolution and the only one that was listed as voting against (that I saw) was Coun. Cochrane of Vernon. The other two Vernon Reps. appear to have decided to not oppose the motion probably anticipating the inevitable result.

I left shortly after this motion was passed.The GVSC universe as a committee will unfold as it will !
I'm sure that the Morningstar reporter who was the last media standing waited for the reviews and comments from the NORD Board participants. I'm sure we will have an entertaining series of explanations and reasoning captured by the journalistic skills of R. Rolke in Friday's edition.

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