Drivers rubberneck to see contortionist Frosty
By Staff Wednesday, December 27, 2006
normally quiet street on East Hill has been seeing a slight increase in traffic over the last few days.The reason for all the cars driving slowly by is leering at motorists from Joe O'Hearn's front yard. Last week, O'Hearn and his grandchildren, Lakin and Landen Harison built a large snowman in the front yard of the home on 28th Crescent. Since Christmas, however, the snowman has lurched over to one side and is now leaning precariously over the ground."It's defying the laws of gravity," O'Hearn said. "This is all solid snow, there are no poles or anything holding it in place.""It's a freak of nature," said son-in-law Marty Sarsfield, whose wife Dawn also helped build the snowman.The leaning snowman came as a surprise to the family who ran outside as soon as they noticed their unnaturally hunched creation. O'Hearn said he has never seen anything like it."Everybody got up to go out and look at the snowman because it was tilting; by dinner it had tilted even more," O'Hearn said.But the family members are not the only ones who have come to take a peek. O'Hearn said cars have been slowing down and backing up to take a look at the unique snow statue. O'Hearn said that the family probably could not have created such a crooked snowman if they tried. He said he's not sure how long it will be before the leaning snow statue finally topples over.
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