Friday, December 15, 2006

GVSC ponders power struggle

By JENNIFER DYCKMorning Star Staff Dec 15 2006
Round and round GVSC goes, where it ends up, nobody knows. The debate is still ongoing at the Greater Vernon Services Committee table over whether its new lack of power could prove to be inefficient. Members were joined by North Okanagan Regional District chair Jerry Oglow Thursday, who joined in the debate and is requesting even more. GVSC chairman and appropriate administrators, including Vernon and Coldstream, are expected to meet with Oglow for further discussion in the near future. The main areas of concern GVSC members raised Thursday are its new process and efficiencies. Having been stripped of its power to make decisions, GVSC can now only make recommendations to NORD. Coldstream member Mary Malerby raised issue with how time consuming this will be. Using the example of one of the delegations appearing at the meeting earlier, Malerby questioned whether the delegation should have even bothered to present to GVSC. “I wouldn’t have wasted my time here this morning, I would have made an appointment to appear before the NORD board.” Acting GVSC chair Buffy Baumbrough added: “This committee may be redundant.” Normally GVSC deals with a delegation’s request after two weeks, once it is investigated and a recommendation is brought forward by staff. Without its ability to make decisions, all GVSC can do is send a recommendation to NORD, where, depending on when the board meets, could be one to three weeks before a decision is made.NORD administrator Brian Reardon said the board’s meetings could be scheduled to minimize that timeline. Oglow agreed: “I think the idea of perhaps a second board meeting that is out there may speed up the process too.” But the other major concern some GVSC members have is whether NORD will even agree with its recommendations. “I don’t entirely trust...that the recommendations made here will be followed through at the NORD board,” said Baumbrough. But Oglow felt otherwise. “When a decision comes to NORD, I know for myself I immediately turn to the Wayne’s and the Stan’s and the Cliff’s for direction on the topic. Those directly involved, directly affected by the decision.” Although all of the discussion at the Thursday meeting ended without a lot of clear answers, it was worthwhile, said Vernon member Barry Beardsell. “We’re going somewhat around and around in circles which is necessary to get to the point we’re trying to get to. “We’re obviously not going to resolve things today, but it’s good to have this discussion with you (Oglow).” Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert also suggested that more discussions be held with NORD members, so they too can find some answers.Oglow reminded members that the end result should still create an atmosphere where everyone puts the public first.

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