Friday, December 15, 2006

GVSC process must unfold

Dec 15 2006 EDITORIAL
Sometimes you just have to take a chance and hope that everything will work out, even when you have considerable reservations. That’s certainly the case among some members of the Greater Vernon Services Commission or, more accurately, committee since its authority was eliminated by the North Okanagan Regional District. On Thursday, GVSC held its first meeting since being downgraded. All it can do now is make recommendations to NORD, and some politicians fear that won’t happen. “I don’t entirely trust that the recommendations made here will be followed through at the NORD board,” said director Buffy Baumbrough. That’s a natural reaction after NORD has used its ability as GVSC’s parent body to restrict the committee’s activities. However, those concerns don’t appear valid when you consider comments from Jerry Oglow, NORD chairman. He said that when a Greater Vernon issue comes before NORD, he will take direction from those colleagues from that area. It should also be pointed out that in most financial matters, only jurisdictions funding the specific service will vote on them, and not other communities such as Lumby or Enderby. There was some concern that director Barry Beardsell would use Thursday’s meeting as an opportunity to lash out at NORD. But he remained restrained and deserves praise for that. “We’re going somewhat around and around in circles which is necessary to get to the point we’re trying to get to,” he said. Let’s hope other politicians will allow the new governance process to unfold and not speculate too much on what the future may hold.

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