Thursday, December 07, 2006

GVSC Stripped Of Its Authority
The North Okanagan Regional District has taken control over the Greater Vernon Services Commission. The NORD board has adopted a bylaw to remove the delegated authority of the G-V-S-C which governs issues like parks, water, the Multiplex and economic development. The Electoral Area Services Commission was also dissolved. Both now become committees, or advisory groups, under NORD. They will be able to make recommendations to the NORD board, but no final decisions. New NORD chairman Jerry Oglow feels it will be a positive change. He tells KISS FM, "I'd like to believe this will be a more efficient way of providing governance to those areas of responsibility and to make it that much more effective in terms of timeliness and decision-making and moving projects forward." Oglow was asked if there will be any implications to staffing or services. "We don't contemplate that at this point. Staffing levels are detemined by the projects we have in the works and we have no plans to make any changes. "The services that are being provided under the Commission will continue. Water projects in Greater Venron are huge, are well underway and will continue. Economic development is a growing service and all jurisdictions in NORD have signed on to a regional economic development function." Vernon's Pat Cochrane was the lone director to vote against it with concerns the details haven't been worked out in the new structure. He tells KISS FM "Using Coldstream as an example, they have two reps at GVS but only one rep at the regional district. When you look at water issues, there an agricultural rep at GVS but clearly there won't be one at the regional district board and I just felt some of that basic detail needed to be sorted out so everyone knew what they were going to be supporting and where it will go from here."The debate on the GVSC issue came during a NORD meeting that lasted about six and a a half hours. (Pete McIntyre)

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