Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Police tight-lipped on top-level shakeup

By David WylieWednesday, December 13, 2006
The two highest-ranking officers at the Vernon detachment have suddenly left and nobody will say why.Police announced Tuesday that Staff Sgt. Randy Rogers – second in command – has been “temporarily replaced” by Advisory NCO Staff Sgt. Jim McNamara. Meanwhile, Vernon RCMP announced last week that Insp. Clair Hayward – the highest-ranking officer – had retired. Hayward could not be reached for comment because he was on vacation in Las Vegas.During a press conference to introduce the new officers Tuesday, police were vague on why both Rogers and Hayward had suddenly dropped off the Vernon staff list.Insp. Steve McVarnock, who’s temporarily replacing Hayward as the police search for a permanent commanding officer, said he was contacted Friday by the district office and told Rogers was being reassigned to another area. “It was unexpected to me. That was a decision made at the district level,” he said, adding, “All I can say is that I’ve been brought in and I’m going to look forward.”Reached after the news conference, Vernon RCMP media liaison Cpl. Henry Proce said the announcement that Rogers would be replaced was a surprise to the detachment. “I don’t know where he’s gone,” said Proce. “It surprised us all at the detachment.”Proce said chief superintendent Don Harrison, who commands the southeast district of the B.C. RCMP, may have some answers. However, a receptionist at RCMP headquarters said Harrison was out of town.Staff Sgt. John Ward, head of media relations at RCMP’s E division did not return phone calls.Last week Hayward caught police off-guard by announcing that he would be retiring early. The 36-year RCMP veteran had been expected to stay on until his official retirement.“It came to everybody as a surprise,” said Proce at the time. “Basically it won’t affect us too much, there will be a smooth transition to the new inspector.”Hayward had held the post of officer in charge since June 2005 on a temporary basis after Insp. Randy Kolibaba was transferred.

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