Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Council supporting centre

By RICHARD ROLKEMorning Star StaffJan 10 2007
Vernon city hall will look the other way if an emergency women’s shelter opens its doors. Council agreed Monday that while zoning amendments are being considered, it will not enforce bylaws in regards to a women’s shelter if there is an infraction. “This is an exceptional situation,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham of women who are living on the street during the winter.

All Saints Anglican Church may possibly host an emergency shelter for the remainder of the winter, but its zoning does not allow such a use. Amendments to zoning will take some time to pursue, so staff instructed council that ignoring current bylaws is an option. “Councils don’t have to enforce their bylaws. There’s lots of ways communities get around this. They just don’t take action,” said Leon Gous, chief administrative officer. Mayor Wayne Lippert doesn’t believe it’s a stretch to consider a shelter as part of the church’s zoning. “These are normal duties of a church and should fall under it,” he said.

Coun. Barry Beardsell spoke about the need for a shelter, but opposed waiving the bylaws. His preference is to follow process and change the zoning. “If we need special meetings to change the bylaw fine, but to say to the world we won’t enforce the bylaw (is a concern). It’s not the rule of law,” he said. Council has also asked organizers of the shelter to present information to the finance committee Thursday so it can determine if the city can financially assist the project.

Annette Sharkey, with the Social Planning Council, says there is broad interest to establish Vernon’s first emergency women’s shelter. “I’m so proud of the community and how it’s come together,” she said. It’s believed there could be 50 to 100 homeless women in Vernon. “Some women are looking for jobs. Some have jobs but nowhere to go,” said Alixe Miller, one of the organizers. If it occurs, the interim shelter would provide 15 beds for the remainder of the winter. Plans are also under way to try and establish a permanent facility.

While a decision to proceed with the shelter hasn’t occurred yet, volunteers are being sought.
“We’re hoping for 40 and 24 are absolutely confirmed,” said Sharkey. A training session for women volunteers will be held Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at All Saints Anglican Church on 27th Street.

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