Wednesday, January 10, 2007

City dictates sign location

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffJan 10 2007
If the Multiplex wants an electronic sign, it will have to use its own land. Vernon council shot down another request Monday for the North Okanagan Regional District to install a reader-board sign on city-owned land on 43rd Avenue. Instead, it must be placed on land owned by NORD at the Multiplex. “Thousands of facilities have signs on their own property,” said Coun. Patrick Nicol.

It had earlier been suggested that the city lease a portion of its road right-of-way to NORD for the sign. However, Coun. Pat Cochrane pointed out that didn’t make sense when NORD has suitable locations for the sign. “The sign meets bylaws. We could avoid the extra time and expense (of drafting a lease agreement),” he said.

Opposition to the motion came from Coun. Barry Beardsell, who says the sign must be visible.
“This is an expensive sign and if it won’t generate any revenue, maybe it shouldn’t go ahead,” he said. Coun. Jack Gilroy wanted the sign right along 43rd Avenue so it could be seen by motorists on 32nd Street. “If you put it back too far, it will defeat the purpose of having a sign,” he said,
“The reason you put up a sign is so people can read it.”

However, Cochrane expressed concern that a sign along 43rd Avenue would pose a safety risk.
“I hope drivers are paying more attention to the road than a sign,” he said. Gilroy, though, dismissed those concerns. “These signs are everywhere. People are not getting run over because of a sign,” he said.

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