Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mayor says sorry, criticizes news media

By Scott Neufeld The Vernon Daily Courier Jan 9/06

Although he can’t remember “exactly” what he said in the interview, Vernon mayor Wayne Lippert says in a letter that comments he made about the previous city council were “misrepresented.” Lippert has now written a letter responding to the fallout from councillors after he was quoted in a local media outlet as saying that the previous council “left a black mark on the city” and that “our incumbents got the message.”

In his letter, Lippert said his words were not represented as he intended. “Comments are often misrepresented through the media and I confirm that this is the case in this instance,” Lippert said in his letter of response. However, after Monday’s council meeting Lippert said the interview in which he made the comments occurred in early December and he could not recall exactly what he said. He would not verbally confirm that his remarks were twisted in the article.“If that’s how I was quoted then that’s how I was quoted,” Lippert said.

Lippert wrote the letter in response to a letter he received from former city councillor Derek Hall. In Monday’s Vernon Daily Courier, Hall said that the mayor seemed to be “grandstanding” and that his statements against the former council were “petty.” “I’m sorry you feel offended by these comments,” Lippert said in the letter to Hall. “It was not my intention to single out former councillors as responsible for the city’s unfortunate situation of last year.”

Coun. Barry Beardsell said at the council meeting that he was unhappy with the mayor’s comments but was appeased by the mayor’s response letter. “When I read (those comments) in the Morning Star I was offended,” Beardsell said. “I felt maligned.” In response, to Beardsell’s comments, Lippert said that he has always said that councillors work hard. He said that everyone at city hall does their best for the community. “It was not my intention to discredit any councillors or council,” he said. “I apologize to anybody who took exception to that article.”Lippert said that the previous council served during a “bad time” for the City of Vernon.

Official Letter
Dear Mr. Hall,
Thank you for your letter dated January 3, 2007, as you are well aware, having served on council yourself, comments are often misrepresented through the media and I confirm that this is the case in this instance. I’m sorry you feel offended by these comments; it was not my intention to single out former City Councillors as responsible for the City’s unfortunate situation of last year.
Wayne Lippert

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