Thursday, January 11, 2007

GVSC Debate Put To Rest

(Pete McIntyre)
Local politicians are optimistic the year-long squabble over the future of Greater Vernon Services, is coming to an end. NORD directors have unanimously supported a new structure for the committee that oversee water and parks issues. NORD Chairman Jerry Oglow says the main change will see him sitting-in on G-V-S-C meetings.

He tells KISS FM, "Rather than taking a committee decision to the NORD board, we have created a system where the NORD board is part of the committee by simply adding a non-stakeholder participant, in this case, it'll be myself. So when the committee has to have a vote of the NORD stakeholders, it can do it right at that point and time." Greater Vernon Services chair Gary Corner calls it a simple, but effective solution. "The nice thing about it is that we'll be able to make decisions right at the meeting and therefore carry it out a lot quicker that if we had to wait another two weeks for the next NORD meeting so it just makes things much more efficient."

The change will allow the committee to make decisions on most items, other than budgets.
A non-voting agricultural rep will remain on the board. There will likely continue to be two GVSC meetings a month. As for administration, Oglow says NORD's administrator Brian Reardon, will also oversee the GVSC, to ensure continuity and improve communications between the two bodies. Oglow says it will be up to Reardon to decide when the position of interim GM of GVSC, which had been held by Tom Fletcher, will be phased out.

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