Thursday, January 11, 2007

Have your say on safety
Would you pay $1 more each year in taxes to improve police service? What about $10? Or $100? The RCMP has determined that the Salmon Arm detachment is seriously understaffed and is struggling to maintain a minimum level of service to local citizens. They are recommending the municipality immediately add two more RCMP officers at a cost of approximately $260,000 per year just to bring the workforce up to minimum standards.

But 90 per cent of those costs must be paid by the city — and that means money from your property taxes. If we want more officers, it either means forking over for a tax increase or making cuts in other areas —‑which is always a difficult exercise. Do you cut snow removal to pay for policing? What about maintaining parks or upgrading the sewage treatment plant? Maybe people feel the level of service is already adequate and don’t want to see more taxes going to support policing.

This community does need to consider what type of police service it wants and what they are willing to pay to get it. The good news is we have that opportunity. The city is planning a public meeting for March 8 where citizens can share their ideas and suggestions about policing our community. Public safety is an important issue. This meeting is an important opportunity to shape how our city will develop. We encourage citizens to think about these issues, mark March 8 on their calendars and come out to share their thoughts.

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