Thursday, January 11, 2007

NORD Backs Concerns About Sewage in the Lake (Pete McIntyre))
Concerns about sewage going into the local water system led to a packed boardroom at the NORD office yesterday. More than 40 residents from the Sugar Lake area near Lumby were looking to see plans for the Lookout development halted. Huguette Beaudin spoke for a petition of 229 people with concerns the 67 lot campsite will dump up to 85-thousand litres of treated effluent into the lake every day.

The NORD board sided with the group's concerns which pleased Beaudin,'They really seem to be on side. They really seem to understand what the concerns are. I believe that most of them share those concerns. The only thing is I'm not sure whether the motions that were made are strong enough get us where we want to be.'NORD will be asking the developer to look at other methods of disposing of the sewage.The company will also have to hold a public meeting to go over the plans.

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