Friday, January 26, 2007

Phillip Demands Apology From Mayes

(Pete McIntyre)
A B-C native leader is demanding an apology from the M-P for Okanagan Shuswap. Stewert Philip of the Penticton Indian Band and head of the Grand Chiefs, says Colin Mayes has openly conveyed a racist comment, by responding 'good joke' to an e mail that contained the words 'Tonto' and 'Chief'. "I find his comments to be completely offensive and racist in nature and really take issue with his efforts to deflect and attempt to trivialize his racist comments and suggest it's merely a bipartisan dispute between the Conservatives and the Liberals. In my view, he has completely destroyed his credibility." Philip wants Mayes to apologize or resign as the chair of the Commons committee on aboriginal affairs. The Liberal's Native Affairs critic has also called for Mayes to step down as head of the committee. Mayes said Thursday he has no plans to resign.
BC Chief Demands Apology
by Wayne Moore - Story: 26180Jan. 26, 2007
The Union of BC Indian Chiefs wants an apology. Grand Chief, Stewart Phillip, has demanded an apology from Conservative MP Colin Mayes. The Okanagan-Shuswap MP is in hot water after responding "good joke," to an email joke titled "Tim Horton's Tonto." The joke, written in broken English, makes reference to Chief and Tonto. Mayes response to the joke came to light during a CHBC-TV news report earlier this week. Mayes is chair of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples. "To openly applaud a blatantly racist joke and then to attempt to trivialize the matter represents an act of arrogant disregard of the duties of a responsible Member of Parliament," says Phillip. He says Mayes must "immediately apologize" or his role as chair of the Standing Committee will be compromised. "Let me be perfectly clear, this is not a bi-partisan issue between the Conservatives and Liberals. Rather, this is a violation of fundamental human rights. This is no joking matter."
Colin Mayes Must Apologize News ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseJanuary 26, 2007
Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver BC – “To openly applaud a blatantly racist joke and then to attempt to trivialize the matter represents acts of arrogant disregard of the duties of a responsible member of Parliament,” said Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs.

Grand Chief Phillip was responding to media reports stating that Colin Mayes (MP for Okanagan-Shuswap) stated "good joke" in response to an October 21, 2006 e-mail “joke” about a First Nations man who is referred to as "chief" or “Tonto.”

“It is absolutely incumbent on Colin Mayes to immediately apologize” stated Grand Chief Phillip. “If he chooses to continue to attempt to deflect and deny the intent of his response, his role as chair of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples is completely compromised and must be reviewed.”

“To perpetuate the inherent ignorance of racism is inexcusable and left unchallenged only serves to further institutionalized the offensive and harmful effects of racism. Let me be perfectly clear, this is not a bi-partisan issue between the Conservatives and Liberals. Rather this is a violation of fundamental human rights. It is not a joking matter, in the event that Colin Mayes refuses to apologize, he must resign.”
– 30 – FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, (250) 490-5314
Native leader demands apology (Video) CHBC VIDEO
Web posted on Friday, 26 January 2007
Formally apologize or resign in disgrace. That's what the head of BC's First Nations communities says north Okanagan MP Colin Mayes needs to do following an email scandal revealed earlier this week. At issue is Mayes' response to an email containing a derogatory joke about natives.

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