Friday, January 26, 2007

S'land Water Application

by Rachael Kimola - Story: 26181Jan. 26, 2007 Castanet

Summerland wants to pump water from Okanagan Lake. City council has approved a motion to submit an application for funding under the Canada/B.C. Infrastructure Program to help pay for a system to pump water from the lake for agricultural use. Director of Finance, Ken Ostraat, says the pump would be a second intake for the municipality's water system. “Initially it would be used only for irrigation purposes, but are hoping we might be able to put in some sort of treatment to allow us to hook it into the domestic system. If there was ever a problem with the water in Trout Creek, we could shut off that pump and use the water from the lake,” says Ostraat.

He says the cost of the system is estimated at about $26 million. “The Infrastructure Program is a one third program, so one third of the cost would be covered by the province, one third from the federal government and the final third would be paid for by the District of Summerland,” says Ostraat. He says it will be several months until they hear from the government about the application. “Summerland is a growing community, we need to look into the future and make sure there will be a sufficient water supply for our future users,” says Ostraat.

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