Friday, January 12, 2007

Symphony Seeks $30,000 More (Pete McIntyre)
A director with the Okanagan Symphony Society is urging local politicians to seriously consider a funding boost for the group. Maria Besso appeared before NORD this week to formally request upping their per capita funding which is currently at 10 cents per capita (per resident). She's says an extra $30,000, or 50 cents per capita, would cover the deficit from last year's concerts in Vernon. Besso says, 'We have appreciated the 10 cents per capita, but if the symphony is to survive in Vernon I think we need a little bit more.' Besso notes its been 15 years since the Symphony has had an funding increase. The request will be considered by NORD as part of its budget discussions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have they ever heard of "user pay"