Friday, February 09, 2007

Beardsell questions cost of playgrounds

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffFeb 09 2007
Paying for new playground equipment isn’t child’s play. The Greater Vernon Services Committee’s provisional 2007 budget includes $348,392 for new or replacement playground equipment. That raised concern among director Barry Beardsell during a budget meeting Wednesday. “Are we putting in Cadillac playground equipment now compared to the past?” he said. Beardsell pointed out that while a new playground in Coldstream Valley Estates was previously estimated to cost $65,000, it has now soared to $104,739. But GVSC staff state the cost for the actual playground apparatus has climbed in recent years, while there is also site preparation, fencing and underground irrigation. “Equipment prices have definitely gone up,” said Al McNiven, parks and recreation administrator.

Besides Coldstream Valley Estates, $26,675 will be spent on replacement playground equipment at the 11th Street tot lot, while there will be $83,000 in upgrades at N’Kwala Park in the BX and $90,763 in upgrades at Girouard Park in the Harwood area. There’s also $43,575 for the playground at Lavington Park. As part of the parks and recreation department’s total 2007 budget, it’s proposed to increase by eight per cent over last year. About three per cent of the increase will be offset by new growth within the tax base, while the remainder will be covered by higher taxes and possibly increased user fees. The North Okanagan Regional District board must still approve the 2007 GVSC budget, and Beardsell is urging his colleagues to review the capital expenditures further. “We’re so anxious to get the budget before the regional district that these things go by the board,” he said of the lack of debate.

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