Friday, February 09, 2007

Economic function in turmoil

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffFeb 09 2007

Economic development is in a state of flux. Dave Forai has departed as manager, while plans for a regional function have stalled and two jurisdictions are threatening to leave the existing Greater Vernon function. Gary Corner, Greater Vernon Services Committee chairman, agrees the function appears to be in upheaval. “It’s not an unfair comment but a bunch of things have happened all at once,” he said. There are discrepancies as to Forai’s departure. “He’s on sick leave,” said Jerry Oglow, North Okanagan Regional District chairman. However, others state he is no longer with the committee. “I’m not aware that he’s on sick leave,” said director Glen Taylor. Forai, who has been economic development manager since about 2001, could not be reached for comment.

Beyond staffing issues, Areas B (BX-Swan Lake) and C (BX-Silver Star) have announced they will withdraw from funding economic development unless it becomes a function of the entire regional district. “That’s where it should be,” said Cliff Kanester, Area B director, of the regional district. “All of the other participants in the region want it.” Kanester believes a shift from a Greater Vernon to regional district function has stalled largely because the City of Vernon hasn’t come on board yet and a review of all services Vernon belongs to must be conducted first.“Maybe this (withdrawing) will put a little pressure on the city,” he said. Corner isn’t worried about the electoral areas’ actions. “They’ve talked about pulling out for quite awhile. If they do, it will be up to Vernon and Coldstream to decide if the function continues. Or it could go regional,” he said.

NORD officials state support for a regional function hasn’t been unanimous. “Most jurisdictions replied positively and Vernon hasn't made a call yet,” said Oglow. There is nothing in this year’s NORD budget for economic development, but Oglow isn’t giving up hope that it will eventually happen. “I’ll continue to promote it because it’s the right thing to do in the long-term,” he said.

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