Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Construction Value for Building Permits

Above Post from Feb 15 was interesting as City Hall will try to stop the leakage of valid Building Permit Fees. Below is how some other municipalities have tried to address problem.

Contract Value: The current monetary worth of the work described on the permit application and includes finishes, roofing, electrical, plumbing, drains, heating, air conditioning, fire extinguishing systems, elevators and other equipment or materials, construction management, contractor’s profit and overhead, sales taxes (except goods and services taxes), insurance, the current monetary worth of contributed labour and materials and a reasonable value for site works and improvements not included in other permits.

0.5% of the contract price, or if there is no contract, at the cost estimated by the Building Inspector with due regard to the contract price of the most recent work of a similar nature done in the closest proximity to the proposed project. If the applicant disputes the value estimated by the Building Inspector, then the average of two professional appraisals at the cost of the applicant, shall be used.

Commercial/Industrial/Institutional/Public Building Projects
Fee formula applied to the contract price, or if there is no contract, at the cost estimated by the Building Inspector with due regard to the contract price for the most recent work of a similar nature done in the closest proximity to the proposed project. If the applicant disputes the value estimated by the Building Inspector, then the average of two professional appraisals, at the cost of the applicant, shall be used.

Building Permit Fees The charge for building permit is based on market value of the finished project

The value of construction excluding land shall be the greater of:

(a)The contract price including taxes and a reasonable allowance for extras, or,

(b)The value as determined by the Authority having Jurisdiction based on fair market

New Westminster
9.5 Each application for a building permit shall state the estimated market value of the proposed construction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great research-the City should get its act together as soon as possible-its giving away money. Perhaps you should be in charge and get a percentage!