Monday, February 19, 2007

Local opposition getting ready for election

By Scott NeufeldMonday, February 19, 2007

With the looming possibility of an election, local candidates are stepping up to take a shot at winning the right to represent their party in the race for the Okanagan-Shuswap riding.Two-time NDP candidate Alice Brown has announced her intentions of representing her party for a third time. “I always did intend to run again to still speak up for the issues that have bothered me from the beginning,” Brown said. “There’s a lack of women’s voices, lack of affordable day care, lack of money for seniors . . . none of these things have changed.”
Will Hansma, who represented the Liberals in back-to-back elections has decided not to seek a third nomination. Hoping to replace him is former Hansma campaign assistant Scott Blurton.The 28-year-old Enderby resident is completing a master’s degree in political science at the University of Ottawa. But after helping organize Stephane Dion’s successful leadership campaign, Blurton said he felt the time was right to step out from behind the scenes and into the political spotlight.“I had wanted to get involved in politics for a long time,” he said. “Now when you have a leader you believe in, with a vision for the country, the time seemed right.”At the top of many local voters’ minds, Blurton said, are the effects climate change and development are having on the environment. He said growing up he can remember having snow almost by Halloween, but now in the North Okanagan, White Christmases are becoming rare.

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