Sunday, February 18, 2007

Repeat offenders focus of new strategy

By roger knox Morning Star Staff Feb 18 2007

Vernon RCMP plan to employ a new strategy to crack down on prolific offenders. Using what’s called a Target Team philosophy, the plan is to have plain-clothed police officers target prolific multiple and long-term offenders by identifying them, targeting their movements, arresting them and charging them. “We’ve already taken the first steps with the hiring of a crime analyst, and we’ve formed a community response unit that looks at B&Es, drug traffic and crack houses,” said Insp. Steve McVarnock. “Our vision is to truly dedicate to the target team philosophy.”

Such a project would require hiring in the neighbourhood of six more officers, and McVarnock plans to have discussions with council and other community members about the plan. “Five per cent of offenders cause 85 per cent of the crime in this community,” said McVarnock. “It’s going to take a collaborative community effort to make it successful.” McVarnock was backed by a presentation from a former colleague of his in Kelowna. Sgt. Tim Shields, a 10-year veteran of the Surrey detachment who was instrumental in developing the provincial bait car program which targets car thieves, gave a 30-minute presentation to RCMP, council members, Crown counsellors and city staff on prolific offenders and crime reduction strategy.

“Target Team works,” said Shields. “We want the offenders to know we’re coming for them. We’ll be watching them when they don’t know it. Some will be deterred, some won’t.” Shields pointed out that the same strategy in Surrey has seen auto thefts drop by 40 per cent, and break-and-enters are down 35 per cent.

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