Thursday, March 01, 2007

Art Gallery and Library


After the saga of the now defunct "cultural complex" folly initiated arbitrarily by self-anointed cultural experts appointed by the disgraced ex-mayor, Sean Harvey, as decision-makers who were on the verge of sticking taxpayers with a multi-million dollar bill, it seems that some members of our Vernon Council are now trying to bring that white elephant through the back door. Our councillors seem fixated on applying a 'Big Box' solution to perceived cultural needs.

According to a Morning Star report on February 28, 2007, headed "Council targets gallery for complex", the proposed building at $28 million will now closely resemble the cultural complex in square footage and usage. We now see the Council altering the script by deciding "to approach" the art gallery, the library and who knows perhaps the museum as well to see if they would 'like' these spaces!

Councillor Cochrane is not fazed by the cost of $28 million as opposed to $37.8 million (yes, the figures quoted at the time were $37.8 and $39 million!) for the cultural complex and even suggests they go back to the old Coldstream Hotel site to "incorporate the art gallery", contrary to the Smart Growth principles of core development.

The Vernon & Districts Taxpayers Association has made its opposition crystal clear at a public meeting March 14, 2006 by voting against expenditures for a "cultural facility". The members of the Coldstream Ratepayers Association unanimously rejected the "Cultural Centre" proposal previously considered and rejected by Vernon Council. Big Box (all cultural activities in one place) cultural storage center as presented by Vernon's 'cultural gurus' was not only extravagant in cost but also the wrong location to attract visitors. Its apparent rejection by Vernon Council was welcomed by the memberships of both the Vernon & Districts Taxpayers and the Coldstream Ratepayers who foresaw us paying taxes to support a 'cultural white elephant'.

Furthermore, the library has not proven its case for the huge square footage it demands "all on the main floor" and in fact, the library's proposal goes against the Ministry's vision document on libraries of the future where professional personnel and connectivity are the watch words. It is entitled, "Libraries Without Walls" available at the Provincial Government's website:

The citizens of Vernon and the Districts demand accountability from those who make demands on their dollars and our Councils must ensure that accountability. Taxpayers and ratepayers are already overburdened and adding yet more expense on projects that require subsidies forever without taxpayer support is not acceptable.

The Recreation Centre Auditorium space should be looked at seriously to accommodate the library in a creative way utilizing the high ceilings (nowhere is there a law that says libraries must be all on one floor!) and taking advantage of the central location and free parking. Likewise for the art gallery; again there is no law that says an art gallery must have a "purpose-built" facility. With so many important issues, like our water supply, taxpayers must not be used as a cash cow. Now is the time for a 'make-do' attitude.

There is always another way. Now Council must have the will to act for the citizens not for consultants, developers and their entourage. We urge our representatives to think globally and cooperatively but act locally and frugally.

Antony Stamboulieh Vernon & Districts Taxpayers Association 260-1082
Andy Danyliu President, Coldstream Ratepayers Association 260-2628

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