Friday, March 23, 2007

Committee votes for allowance

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Mar 23 2007
Rural taxpayers will be paying for elected officials to drive around on their business. The Electoral Area Services Committee of the North Okanagan Regional District has decided that each of its five directors should get $400 a month for a vehicle allowance. “There’s a discrepancy between what we’re putting in and what we’re getting reimbursed,” said Rick Fairbairn, EASC chairman and rural Lumby director. Directors have traditionally been paid a per kilometre rate for attending meetings at the NORD office, but they got nothing for travel and other costs in their own jurisdictions, many of which are geographically quite large. “If you go out to Mabel Lake from where I live, it’s 35 kilometres each way,” said Fairbairn. “And there are days where I have to go into the regional district office on constituents’ business.”

All of the directors use their private vehicles for EASC business. “Vehicles are not inexpensive to run these days,” said Stan Field, BX-Silver Star director. “I doubt anyone expects us to run our vehicles for nothing when we’re in public office.” Herman Halvorson, rural Enderby director, puts on about 1,000 to 1,500 kilometres driving around his area. “I’m out two or three times a week. I’m out to Mara Lake or the north end of Mabel Lake. I put the time in,” he said. “I’m consuming about 30 hours a week dealing with issues.” Fairbairn expects some residents may not be happy with the $400 a month allowance. “We may hear from some but constituents will understand that with the time and effort involved, it is warranted,” he said. Fairbairn also points out that even with the $400, he is still personally subsidizing activities done on behalf of his residents.

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