Friday, March 23, 2007

Settlement in the works for Forai

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffMar 23 2007

A financial package could soon be worked out with Greater Vernon’s former economic development manager. The North Okanagan Regional District has been in discussions with Dave Forai since he left his position with the Greater Vernon Services Committee last month. “We’re very close to reaching a final settlement,” said Brian Reardon, NORD administrator. Reardon would not get into specifics and Forai could not be reached for comment. NORD has officially described Forai’s departure as medical leave although that view has been countered by some politicians. Forai had been economic development manager since 2001.

At the same time that a settlement is being negotiated with Forai, a process is under way to fill the vacancy at GVSC. “We will be conducting interviews next week and we will go from there,” said Reardon. A total of 28 individuals applied for the job. Once a preferred candidate is selected, a financial offer will be presented to them. It’s hoped a new economic development manager will be in place by early May. “All of the applicants are currently employed so they would have to give notice (to their employer),” said Reardon. In the interim, existing GVSC staff are handling economic development issues while a consultant will be contracted to oversee some specific projects.

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