Sunday, December 09, 2007

Cutting back unnecessary vehicle idling.

CO2 Calculator

DID YOU KNOW that if every driver of a light-duty vehicle in Vernon, British Columbia, avoided idling for 5 minutes a day, the city could prevent 5.51 tonne(s) of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each day? That's 2,010.51 tonne(s) per year!

"By avoiding idling for 5 minutes a day, motorists of Vernon, British Columbia, could, each day, collectively avoid wasting 2,334.0 litres of fuel worth $2,217.30. On an annual basis, this translates into savings of 851,910.0 litres worth $809,314.48."

DID YOU KNOW that if every driver of a light-duty vehicle in Coldstream, British Columbia, avoided idling for 5 minutes a day, the city could prevent 2.71 tonne(s) of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each day?That's 990.18 tonne(s) per year!

"By avoiding idling for 5 minutes a day, motorists of Coldstream, British Columbia, could, each day, collectively avoid wasting 1,149.5 litres of fuel worth $1,092.02. On an annual basis, this translates into savings of 419,567.5 litres worth $398,589.11."

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