The fate of Vernon’s casino may finally be known Monday. City council is expected to decide whether Lake City Casinos can relocate its operation from the Village Green Hotel to Anderson Way, next to Toyota. However, opinions remain divided. “My biggest concern is the poor people who become addicted to gambling,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell. “There is also a major effect on the community by the removal of such an incredible amount of money from the economy.” Beardsell is concerned business-related groups haven’t spoken out about the money gambling diverts from the economy because people have less to spend at shops.“I
just find it incredible,” he said.
But Coun. Jack Gilroy supports relocation plans. “Their lease is up (at the hotel) so they have to go somewhere,” he said. Gilroy believes the casino could open elsewhere in the region if council denies relocation and the city would lose access to $1.7 million in casino revenue. “Do you know how many programs that pays for?” he said. Gilroy also insists that the casino benefits the economy by drawing tourists to Vernon, and he doesn’t support the view that a larger casino will lead to more gambling. “Not everyone is addicted like Barry says they are,” he said.
The relocation proposal from Lake City Casinos and B.C. Lottery Corporation went before council Nov. 26. But the matter was tabled until Monday so more information could be received about the financial aspects of the operation. B.C. Lottery Corporation officials have stated in the past that relocation won’t occur unless the city supports the move. The proposed casino would be 30,000-square-feet compared to the existing 12,000-square-feet. The number of slot machines would go from 210 to 400, and the new casino would have table games, a restaurant and a lounge.
Don Quixote Note: From Mor. Star article of Nov.9
“We want to appeal to a broader base of customer so it’s not just a gambling experience,” said Steve Kumpf, Lake City Casinos president. Kumpf says his clientele is looking for more entertainment opportunities.““Relocation has to be approved by council. If they say no, that’s it,” said Kumpf.If the city won’t give its blessing, Kumpf said the casino would remain in its present location. But if approval is granted, the goal is to have the casino open by next November.“We have a developer all ready to go,” said Kumpf.
Another interesting piece of data is that it was confirmed at the Casino/BCLC open house that only 10% of the revenue came from tourists outside the area. (My initial study showed a 6.7 to 15% range so that confirmation is within the range predicted.)
So much for Coun. Gilroy's concerns. The Casino presidents says " the casino would remain in its present location. and only 10% of the revenue comes from outside the area. As to his observation 'he doesn’t support the view that a larger casino will lead to more gambling.' it is obvious taken out of context as the only reason to expand is to make more money. DUH !
1 comment:
Gilroy and his comments explain why your poll shows him as the least desirable as a councillor.The quicker he fades off into the sunset ,the better for Vernon. Hopefully Flippert goes with him. Back to Jack-does he stop and think or does he just open his mouth?
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