Friday, March 02, 2007

Halfway House coming back to Vernon

Betty Selin, Standard Radio News

It will be much smaller than the last one, but Vernon could be getting another halfway house for parolees. The Howard House was closed after an outcry from the community two and a half years ago regarding residents allegedly re-offending. Acting Mayor, Juliette Cunningham says Corrections Canada is ready to move forward and see if a contractor wants to open a new 12 bed facility. Cunningham says the previous Mayor signed an agreement with Corrections Canada following a report from a Citizen's Advisory Board. Cunningham says a number of safe guards are in place, many recommendations from the committee. The two year moratorium on a halfway house in Vernon will be up this fall.
Don Quixote Note: Check post at Halfway House Oct 24/06.

Council should examine the minutes of the two meetings involved last year and the promise implicit in the resolution that was passed by the Council of that day not to go forward with any such discussions of a new halfway house until the Abramenko Inquiry that was being requested was complete and any recommendations from this inquiry are incorporated into new policy re the running of such a new facility in Vernon. ( Oct 11/05 Council Minutes )

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