Friday, March 02, 2007

Learning how to manage beetle fire hazard

Mar 02 2007

The City of Kelowna is hosting an information session for private property owners to learn how to manage pine beetle infestations and the resulting fire hazard: It will take place Wednesday, March 7, 6 to 8 p.m., at the Kelowna Fire Hall, 2255 Enterprise Way.

Western and mountain pine beetle attacks are on the rise in Kelowna. Thousands of trees have already been killed and many more will die over the next few years. At the information session Ian Wilson, urban forestry supervisor, will speak about the current status of pine beetle in Kelowna, what is expected to happen in the future, what the City of Kelowna is doing to mitigate the impact on city-owned land and what private property owners can do. Information will also be available on the city’s inspection and wood disposal program for small property owners living within city limits.

Infested pine trees that die are at greater risk of catching fire than healthy trees. Kelowna fire chief Rene Blanleil, assistant fire chief Bryan Collier and other city fire prevention staff will speak about the fire hazard implications resulting from pine beetle and the various options available to private property owners to reduce the chance of wildfire. Parking is available in the back of the fire hall; the side entrance will be open.

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