Monday, July 02, 2007

Did Okanagan Springs meet Canada Day Deadline?

If you don't charge at $.885 then raise it to $1.19 and don't charge it ?
On Monday Mar 26 the City will vote whether to up the rates for bylaw Surcharge for High Strength Wastes. The rates will be going to 1.19 per kg in each category. This is a 34.4% increase.

Obviously the rate is being increased to reflect the true costs of this service so hopefully the increased revenue when enforced if necessary will cover the revenue lost for an extension given to a solitary business.

Sanitary Sewer Use Bylaw Enforcement Agreement
On Monday March 12 Vernon City Council declassified a motion relating to the Sanitary Sewer Use Bylaw Enforcement Agreement between the City Of Vernon and Okanagan Spring Brewery. Essentially the city extended the deadline from Dec. 21, 2006 until July 1, 2007 to allow the Brewery to provide an implementation strategy and time line to reduce BOD and TSS loading from the plant. The enforcement of the bylaw if the Brewery fails was changed from Jan. 1,2007 to August 1, 2007. (Charges below)

Surcharge for High Strength Wastes (From bylaw 3909)
$0.885 per kg of Biochemical Oxygen Demand in excess of the limits contained in the Sanitary Sewer Use Bylaw discharged to the City of Vernon sanitary sewer system.
$0.885 per kg of Total Suspended Solids in excess of the limits contained in the Sanitary Sewer Use Bylaw discharged to the City of Vernon sanitary sewer system


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