Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Keep it to yourself

By Richard Rolke Mar 28 2007

Anyone following Monday’s Vernon council meeting may have been left with the impression that the city endorses the Liberals. During councillor reports, Patrick Nicol enthusiastically referred to the federal Liberal’s new candidate, Buffy Baumbrough. Baumbrough was, of course, just two seats away as she is also a member of council. “You can’t plug that but I will,” he said to Baumbrough. But some residents will question if if was appropriate for Nicol to do so.

The primary reason is city councils should not be aligned with any federal or provincial party. Obviously councillors as individual citizens are entitled to have their own views, but when they sit in chambers, they represent all citizens, whether they are Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Green or something else. On top of that, a municipality must try to work with whoever the MP is. Such relationships are crucial if the community is going to access lucrative federal funds for infrastructure projects, such as roads and water. Now I don’t want to make too much of this. Nicol is a real cheerleader for the community and a sincere booster of individuals and their accomplishments. He is genuinely thrilled about the opportunities Liberal candidacy could unlock for Baumbrough.

His comments are not at the same level of those from former councillor Derek Hall, who regularly used the city platform to take shots at anyone who opposed the provincial government. Of course some will point out that Coun. Barry Beardsell is always attacking the provincial government and MLA Tom Christensen. But Beardsell’s verbal volleys are directly related to issues impacting the city. And Beardsell is truly non-partisan. If it’s in the interests of the city, he will take on any government, no matter the party stripe. In the case of both Nicol and Hall, the comments had nothing to do with city business. As well-intentioned as Nicol was, there needs to be a clear separation between municipalities and senior politics. No matter whether the local MP sits on the government or opposition benches, they are Vernon’s voice in Ottawa. It should also be noted that in recent years, the Liberals have placed third behind the Conservatives and NDP.

A comment in passing — even as innocuous as Nicol’s — may leave non-Liberal candidates or residents feeling that city hall is headed in another direction and not truly representative of the community. I give Nicol full credit for showing moral support for Baumbrough, and I suspect he is as equally excited about the others seeking public office. But the next time, it should be done behind closed doors.

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