Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ticket dispute leads to complaint

By roger knox Morning Star StaffMar 28 2007

A Vernon driver has filed a complaint with the city’s bylaw enforcement division after an incident Friday night. According to police, the driver parked his car on 20th Avenue, in front of a bank, in a no-parking, yellow-line zone, and was told as such by the bylaw officer. The man said he was going inside to do his banking, and, when he returned, he found the bylaw officer writing a ticket. Vernon RCMP report there was a verbal exchange between the driver and the bylaw officer, who asked the driver to stay put. The driver of the car did not comply and, according to police, struck the bylaw officer in order to gain access to his vehicle, then got in the car and drove away.

Police believe it’s the first such case of an alleged assault against a city bylaw officer. Vernon RCMP have sent the file to Crown counsel, seeking some help in clarifying if bylaw officers have the authority to ask a motorist not to leave the scene if they are in the execution of their duties. They are also contemplating an assault charge against the driver of the vehicle. Vernon’s manager of bylaw enforcement, Clint Kanester, said officers do have the authority to ask motorists not to move if they are in the process of issuing a ticket. He would not comment on this specific case, as it remains under investigation.

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