Wednesday, March 07, 2007

NORD Agenda Highlights Wednesday, March 7 - 2:00pm
  • Resolution No. 19 “That the Regional District of North Okanagan approve the allocation up to $100,000 from the Okanagan Basin Water Board Sewage Facilities Fund to provide forty percent matching funds for additional Water Supply and Demand Study funding from the Province of BC Ministry of Environment.” (Stakeholder Vote – Includes Armstrong, Coldstream, Spallumcheen, Vernon, Electoral Areas “B”, “C”, and “D”)
  • Resolution No. 27 “That correspondence received from the City of Vernon on February 2, 2007 in which Council advised that it was considering the Economic Development of the Vernon Airport as a Regional Function and requests consideration and comments BE RECEIVED.”
  • Resolution No. 29 “That as recommended by the Regional Growth Management Committee, the Regional Board identify the Regional Transportation Master Plan, the Regional Composting Facility, and the Residential Drop Off Facility as Regionally Significant Projects and support submitting a proposal to UBCM for 100% funding for these projects totalling $1,775,061 under the Regionally Significant Projects component of the Community Works Funding Agreement.”
  • Resolution No. 35 “That the District of Coldstream be advised that the member municipalities of the Regional District of North Okanagan resolve that the issue of policing costs for special events be maintained at the status quo.”
  • Resolution No. 40 “That as recommended by the Electoral Area Services Committee and the Finance and Administration Committee, Policy No. FIN 025 – Overhead Cost Allocation BE APPROVED.”
  • Draft Remuneration and Expenditure Bylaw i. Extract from the Minutes of a meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee held on February 20, 2007 ii. Report from Alan Harris, Chief Financial Officer – February 28, 2007 – Draft Remuneration and Expenditure Bylaw iii. City of Vernon – Received February 28, 2007 – Proposed Remuneration Increases for Board Resolution No. 41 “That the Regional Board consider the draft Remuneration and Expense Bylaw as recommended by the Finance and Administration Committee.”
  • Resolution No. 42 “That the Regional Board appoint Chair Oglow as its representative to the 19 Service Reviews that were initiated on January 15, 2007.”
  • Resolution No. 43 “That the Regional Board approve the scheduling of the Preliminary Meetings for all 19 Service Reviews during the week of April 23 to 27, 2007.”
  • Resolution No. 44 “That a Special Meeting of the Regional Board (FULL) be convened at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 in the Board Room of the Regional District of North Okanagan office to discuss the five year financial plan.”

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